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"Das Auge ist der Spiegel zur Seele, aber das Ohr ist das Tor zur Welt" - Indisches Sprichwort

The Tomatis®Method


The Tomatis® Method offers children and adults a neurosensory stimulation and training program to improve brain function.


It is used to improve motor, emotional and cognitive skills.

Alfred Tomatis

He researched throughout his life  close connection between

Psyche, hearing, body and voice.


His scientific studies founded audio-psyche-phonology .


Today, his great pioneering work is underpinned and recognized by the new research on brain plasticity.


Scientific research shows that the Tomatis® Method can optimize the relationship between the ear and the brain.

application areas

The Tomatis listening training expands and educates the system of auditory perception in a very natural, musical and gentle way.





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